My Travel list for 2017

2016 saw a boom in the tourism industry. With travel slowly becoming a lifestyle statement, more and more Indians are becoming evolved travellers. From backpacking to luxury travel, travelling has been the top holiday plan for both individuals and families. And why not! India currently ranks 18th in the global travel budget rankings. Keeping up… Continue reading My Travel list for 2017

2017: What does it hold in store for the publishing industry?

2016 was an eventful year for the publishing industry. Self-published writers saw a growth, while the influence from Chinese Publishers resulted in increased acquisitions and partnerships. There were a few sad demises of traditional book shops but the the new players kept the excitement going for market watchers. The publishing industry is definitely excited for… Continue reading 2017: What does it hold in store for the publishing industry?

Journals: A Gateway to Knowledge

Journals are not only a key source to meet all your knowledge needs, but also help you find answers to questions in countless ways. Journals have become one of the fastest and most effective means of disseminating research findings. Each article published in a journal allows you to extensively explore a specific topic, which in… Continue reading Journals: A Gateway to Knowledge

Where is the Book Industry Heading To?

No matter how old we get, one just cannot live without books. As children, our teachers and parents introduced us to books, using stories to impart wisdom. As we grew up, the stories and their characters became a part of our lives, guiding us and giving us some of the best moments of our lives.… Continue reading Where is the Book Industry Heading To?

How to Get Your First Book Published?

First things first Writing is not an easy task. To become a successful writer, you need to make sure you extensively read the work of acclaimed writers from different genres. Getting your first book published through a publisher First and foremost, you’ll need a publishing agent who can connect you to the right publisher, who… Continue reading How to Get Your First Book Published?

Take on Demonetisation

  Extraordinary circumstances demand extraordinary actions. If the situation has somehow meandered out of control, there is an urgent need for remedial measures to bring it back under control. Per many, demonetisation was one such step that had long been overdue. Corruption, black money and undisclosed incomes stashed in foreign accounts had taken a big… Continue reading Take on Demonetisation

Five Habits of a Book Reader

Hello readers! Hope you’re doing great and reading some awesome books! Though the title throws some light about the blog post, I’d be more than happy to tell you the reason for such a post. BBI Facebook is now a five lakh people community and BBI Twitter is about to hit the 5000 mark. So,… Continue reading Five Habits of a Book Reader

Top 5 words of 2014

                With Oxford Dictionaries announcing ‘Vape’ as the word of the year, the world is up with their own list of words that should be in the top ten list. With 2015 all set to make its own list, here’s to the words that rocked the year 2014.… Continue reading Top 5 words of 2014

First Twitter Contest On Buy Books India

So, Buy Books India had the flash-in-the-pan moment recently. The occasion was to celebrate our relationship with books, the platform was Twitter and the medium was our favourite handle, @buybooksindia. The whole point was to check up on the enthusiasm of the booklovers our BBI handle has got. And the good news is that the… Continue reading First Twitter Contest On Buy Books India

Shocking and mysterious: That’s ‘Gone Girl’

So, the latest buzz in the literature world is a thriller novel by an American writer Gillian Flynn. And as it has been made into a movie, the popularity of this novel has gone sky high. Okay. I’m not going to discuss about how the book is different from the movie or what all stuff… Continue reading Shocking and mysterious: That’s ‘Gone Girl’

Growing up with books

“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” This quote by C.S. Lewis plays on my mind time and again. If you’ll ask me of that one thing that has played a tremendous role in my life, I think it’s going to be books, without any doubt. It’s through stories… Continue reading Growing up with books

The Big Book Shelf

Each one of us is suffering from ‘Big Boss’ fever. And as much as we crib about the politics and loudmouths in the show, we love to watch it every night at 9pm religiously. Well, that was about all the drama and all that jazz. But what I’m going to mention here is a step… Continue reading The Big Book Shelf

30 Things Books Taught Us

Different books, different stories, different perspectives and different learnings. But one thing is for sure, every book teaches us something special. Following the same line, last month Buy Books India did an amazing campaign that went with the theme ’30 Things Books Taught Us’. And as I read all the reasons it mentioned, I thought… Continue reading 30 Things Books Taught Us

Apple makes it big!

  #AppleLive was the talk of the town a few days back. We all were excited for the big launch but there were some set of apprehensions too. The launch was big, the social media was abuzz and the Apple fans were excited as always. Well, that was obvious indeed, given the fact that after… Continue reading Apple makes it big!

7 Day Booklovers Challenge

Going gaga over selfies! Is the above line going well with your current state of mind? If yes, then don’t miss out on what I’m going to tell you next. Leveraging this selfie fever to their favour, many brands are every day coming up with the ‘selfie’ contests. But here’s what beats ’em all. Listen… Continue reading 7 Day Booklovers Challenge

Five Must Watch Movies of Robin Williams

Five Grammys, four Golden Globes, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, two Emmys and an Oscar – that pretty much tells us everything about the actor that Robin Williams was. A career span over five decades made him a household name but how all of us connect with him is through our childhood. He was a teacher in disguise who… Continue reading Five Must Watch Movies of Robin Williams

Five Positive Thoughts To Keep You Going

‘Be Positive‘…That’s what we hear all the time but it is easier said than done! To strike negativity, one must embrace positivity. And that’s what I’ve rooted for here. They say that ‘change is the only constant’… As per me, that change should always be progressive. And to attain that progressive change, what we need is the positivity to sustain us. So,… Continue reading Five Positive Thoughts To Keep You Going

Soak into Books While It Rains Outside!

Reading is an activity that you can enjoy anytime, any day and any moment. But sometimes things play as a catalyst and throw you into the ‘I’m dying to read a book’ state of mind. Weather is one such catalyst. Well, speaking of weather, monsoon is the time when the reading bug bites you way… Continue reading Soak into Books While It Rains Outside!

Fifty Shades of Emotion

10 Emotions That Every Reader Experiences

Lately, I noticed quite a lot of gifs going around in the internet. Interactive and in your face…such is their appeal! So, I thought why not sum up the emotions that a reader goes through while reading! And here are the top ten expressions that you’d find familiar: 1. Reading is nothing less than a… Continue reading 10 Emotions That Every Reader Experiences

How Well Do We Know Indian Authors?

Ask anybody to name few English novelists and the reply will mostly be Jeffrey Archer, John Grisham or Dan Brown. Never would anyone come up with Kiran Desai or Jhumpa Lahiri! It might be just my imagination but if you pay a little attention, you’ll know that it’s definitely the case. May be Indian writing in English is a bit less triumphant but you can’t really blame it… Continue reading How Well Do We Know Indian Authors?

FIFA Fever On The Go

The world is high on football fever. And why it wouldn’t be! It’s the most anticipated season…it’s the FIFA World Cup season. The whole of West is under the frenzy which is quite contagious. India being a cricket-obsessed country rarely notices anything other than its favorite sport, but football definitely is an exceptional case. While it’s a bit hard to follow each and… Continue reading FIFA Fever On The Go